Privacy Policy | Energy Glazing Window Company Cork

Privacy Policy

1. Introduction

When submitting the ‘Contact Us’ at, contacting us by phone or email, we collect and process personal data about you. This allows us to offer our services to you and manage any future relationship we may have from that point onward. This document was created to ensure you understand what personal information energyglazing collect about you, how we collect it, what we use it for and what rights you have regarding your personal data.

For the purpose of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – May 25th, 2018, the data controller is energyglazing.

2. Definitions

2.1 Personal Data

Is data pertaining to a living individual who can be identified using said data.

2.2 Usage Data

This data collected automatically either generated by the use of the Service or from the Service infrastructure itself (for example, number of pages viewed per visit).

2.3 Data Controller

Data Controller means a person who (either alone or jointly or in common with other persons) determines the purposes for which and the manner in which any personal data are, or are to be, processed. For the purpose of this Privacy Policy, we are a Data Controller of your data.

2.4 Data Processor (Service Provider)

Data Processor or Service Provider means any person (other than an employee of the Data Controller) who processes the data on behalf of the Data Controller. We may use the services of various Service Providers in order to process your data more effectively.

2.5 Data Subject

Data Subject is any living individual who is the subject of Personal Data.

2.6 User

The User is the individual using our Service. The User corresponds to the Data Subject, who is the subject of Personal Data.

2.7 Legal Basis

Energyglazing need to process your personal information in order to: Perform our contract with you (see Article 6.1.b of the GDPR). Comply with our legal obligations (see Article 6.1.c of the GDPR) and the legitimate interests of third parties as long as your interests and fundamental rights do not override those interests (see Article 6.1.f of the GDPR).

3. Master Data (Website)

When you submit the ‘Contact Us’ form at or contact us by email, we will generate a profile for you internally (“Account”) and may collect the following personal data about you (the “Master Data”):

  • Your Name
  • Your Email Address
  • Your Billing Address
  • Your Phone Number

4. Other Disclosures

In addition to the above, we disclose your personal information to the following parties and in the following circumstances:

  • To allow third-party vendors, consultants, and other service providers to perform services on our behalf.
  • To comply with laws or to respond to claims, legal process (including but not limited to subpoenas and court orders) and requests from public and government authorities.
  • To cooperate with regulatory bodies and government authorities, including but not limited to Trading Standards, The Competition and Markets Authority, and the Danish Consumer Ombudsman, in connection with investigations or case referrals.
  • To third parties in order for us to investigate, prevent or take action regarding suspected or actual prohibited activities, including but not limited to fraud and misuse of our Website.
  • To a third party in the event of any reorganisation, merger, acquisition, sale, joint venture, assignment, transfer or other disposition of all or any portion of our business or assets (including in connection with any bankruptcy or similar proceedings.)

5. Cookies

Cookies identify your computer or device rather than you as an individual user and are used for different purposes. Cookies are small text files stored on your hard drive, which contain information about your activity and preferences when visiting These cookies allow us to monitor website traffic and to store information about your preferences, which allows us to customise the site according to your needs. If you wish to change the way your browser handles cookies you can do so through your browser’s settings. We utilised cookies for the following reasons;

5.1 Generating Statistics

  • Measuring Website traffic such as the number of visits to the Website
  • Which Domains the visitors come from,
  • Which pages visitors view on the Website
  • Which overall geographical areas the visitors are located
  • Monitoring the performance of the Website

5.2 Optimising User Experience

  • Remembering information about your browser and preferences
  • Improving the functionality & user experience

5.3 Third-Party Cookies

Third-party Cookies are set by third party websites – not our Website. When you visit our Website, the following third-party Cookies may be set:

  • Google Analytics

5.4 Deletion of Cookies

You can delete the cookies already on your device. You can typically delete cookies from the Privacy or History area, available from the Settings or Options menu in the browser. In most browsers, the same menu can be reached through the Ctrl+Shift+Del keyboard shortcut or Command+Shift+Del if you’re on a Mac.

If you do not accept Cookies from our Website, you may experience inconvenience in your use of the Website, and you may be prevented from accessing some of its features.

6. Service Providers

These third parties have access to your Personal Data only to perform these tasks on our behalf and are obligated not to disclose or use it for any other purpose. We use external companies to maintain the technical operation of the Website and our services. These companies are data processors for the personal data for which we are the data controller.

We have data processing agreements in place with the data processors and it follows from these agreements that they must act solely in accordance with our instructions. By accepting this Policy, you authorise us to instruct the data processors to process data in accordance with the Policy and for the purposes of using the Website.

The data processors have taken reasonable technical and organisational measures to protect against the information being accidentally or illegally destroyed, becoming lost or deteriorating, and to protect against the information being disclosed to unauthorized persons, being misused, or in other ways being processed in violation of data protection laws.

6.1 Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a web analytics service offered by Google that tracks and reports website traffic. Google uses the data collected to track and monitor the use of our Service. This data is shared with other Google services. Google may use the collected data to contextualise and personalise the ads of its own advertising network. You can opt-out of having made your activity on the Service available to Google Analytics by installing the Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on (located here: The add-on prevents the Google Analytics JavaScript (ga.js, analytics.js, and dc.js) from sharing information with Google Analytics about visits activity.

For more information on the privacy practices of Google, please visit the Google Privacy Terms web page:

6.2 Go High Level

Go High Level is an email automation platform and an email marketing service.  Our customers are automatically added to our mailing list for operational emails (to be used in the cases such as ‘planned outages’, or maintenance updates.) We also contact subscribers for marketing purposes such as sharing upcoming events.

If you no longer wish to receive these emails you can contact us by email or phone, using the details found at the bottom of this policy.

7. Links to External Websites

Our Website contains links to other websites. Our inclusion of such links does not imply that we endorse those websites. We do not control the content of those third party websites and assume no responsibility for the third party or their policies or practices. We encourage you to review the privacy policies for these third-party websites because their procedures for collecting, handling and processing personal data will be different from ours.

8. Your Rights Regarding Your Data

8.1 Data Retention

Energyglazing keep the Master Data and other personal data you provide, for as long as you have an Account or as needed to provide you with our services. If you choose to delete your Account please note that all your account information will also be deleted. Energyglazing will delete this information upon your request.

8.2 Security Measures

We use reasonable technical and administrative measures to protect your personal information within our organisation and we regularly audit our system for vulnerabilities. However, Energyglazing cannot ensure or warrant the security of the information you transmit to us. Emails sent via the Website may not be encrypted, and we, therefore, advise you not to include any confidential information in your emails to Energyglazing.

8.3 How to Access Personal Data

You can request, directly from us, a copy of all information we have about you and an explanation of why we have that information. Upon receiving your request, we will respond within 30 days, including details of how we collect the information, the purpose for which we process your personal data, and who we share your personal information with.

8.4 Updating or Deletion of your Personal Data

If the personal information that we have about you in our capacity as a data controller is incorrect or misleading, you can request that we correct the information.

If your Account is deleted, all the data associated with your Account will be deleted.

An Account update or deletion can be requested using the details at the bottom of this policy.

8.5 Children’s Information

Our website is not intended for children under the age of 18.

9. Changes to this Policy

Energyglazing reserves the right to make changes to this Policy. A notice on our website will allow individuals to give you the opportunity to review the changes before they come into effect. If you object to our changes, you can close your account. Your continued use of our Website after we publish or send a notice about the changes to the Policy will mean that you accept and agree to the updated Policy.

10. Contact Information

If you have questions or concerns about the how we process your personal information, or would like us to correct your personal information, please contact us on either:

If you have questions or concerns regarding your data protection rights please contact the Data Protection Commissioner or visit
